When Starwars came out in 1977 and all of the others came out, my mom fought my dad and even went to the elders about not letting my dad take us to see it. The elders said that their families saw it and it was pretty good. She was all out of sorts. My dad simply took us. Just go!
White Dove
JoinedPosts by White Dove
Harry Potter and the exasperated mum........help
by fifi40 inmy ex is a jw (as previously mentioned) and is against our son going to see the new movie, despite admitting that he has witness friends who will happily go and see it........oh and he also has witness friends that would dob their brother into the elders for going to see it.. i have just had a bit of a heated debate about it with him (our son is 14, nearly 15) and i just wondered if any of you have good sound reasoning for what is a 'matter of conscience' for these brainwashedd poo brains!!!!!.
help.........warlock can you just wave a magic wand or something............ a mother doing battle with the force...............a brain numbing, mind control force at that.
seriously folks though any gems you have would be greatly appreciated.
White Dove
Clean speech (for the most part), don't contribute to air pollution with smoking, don't litter...that's about it. I'm sorry, but they don't really care about the earth or nature enough to effect change for the better, and they abuse their children, so my list was short.
If the sisters were allowed to wear pants...
by Angry_Kangaroo init might be easier to dress modestly.
think about it, there is always admonitions against slits in skirts (which a lot of skirts have), too short dresses and skirts, etc.
not to mention not having to worry about someone peeping up your dress as you walk up the bleachers at the dc.
White Dove
You ALLOWED her to wear pants??????? EW!!!!!!!! So much for mutual respect. I hope that has changed since you got out of the male dominated cult and out into the real world. I can only respect a man who respects me with equal measure. I want someone who compells me to worship the ground he walks. He must treat me like a queen and then I will want to treat him like a king.
If the sisters were allowed to wear pants...
by Angry_Kangaroo init might be easier to dress modestly.
think about it, there is always admonitions against slits in skirts (which a lot of skirts have), too short dresses and skirts, etc.
not to mention not having to worry about someone peeping up your dress as you walk up the bleachers at the dc.
White Dove
Oh my God YES! I hate the way the sisters dress! I hate dresses forced on women with such a passion as cannot be described here. I know of a sister who is kind of old now, but she has never worn a dress to the khall. She always was talked about having a bad attitude. I knew her so I can say for a fact that she was a very kind and mild sort of lady. She wore very nice clean pants suits that I would probably wear if I were to go back to the hall. I will never (except in court where female lawyers must wear dresses and where the prosecution and judge are swayed to your cause if they can see your legs. Yes, that is the reason.) wear a dress again.
Does Anyone Know Any of the Newer GB Members? Please share your stories.
by neverendingjourney ini have read some threads here that suggest that anyone thinking big changes are coming to the watchtower due to all of the new gb appointments is fooling themselves.
its been said that ted jaracz has been heavily involved in selecting new gb members and wants to ensure that they all share his hard-line vision for the religion.
i must admit that i thought there would be big changes by now since six of the nine gb members were appointed within the last eight years.
White Dove
I knew Guy Pierce and his wife Penny. He gave a talk at our hall in about 1996 and said that class reunions are not for Christians and to not go because you will not find any JWs there. That is the first time that I ever heard something from the platform that I was going to violate. My class reunion was to be the very next year and I was going to attend. For other reasons, I didn't go:( I think Pierce is hard core and is the take over type.
Person search...
by bluesbreaker59 inok, i had some friends leave the borg.... one was a child hood friend, whose parents moved to wa.
her name was audrey senore (should be 26 or so now), i heard through the grapevine she ran off or something.
also another friend, tim lockwood (should be 26 -27) both of these, were childhood and teenage friends of mine, and last i heard, both were df'd, if you know them or know where they're at, hit me with a pm.
White Dove
I'm sorry but I don't know anyone by that name. I'm from Washington state, too. I'm looking for the White, Anderson, and Paas families from Vancouver, Washington. Anyone know them? We were friends but they left before I did so we went out of touch. By now, Tiny is quite the notorious 'postate. He has a daughter named Marjie
James Penton claims big Watchtower revelations to come...
by slimboyfat inhe commented on another site:.
oh, i must mention: when barbara and rud publish, they will shake the foundations of the watchtower society, and i will have to rewrite many parts of apocalypse delayed to fit with the newly revealed information.
no one knows the dry rot that has existed in that organization as do they.
White Dove
I can't wait to read it!
Were You Ever Afraid That You Might've Made The Wrong Decision In Leaving??
by minimus inare you 100% sure that leaving the organization was the right decision?
White Dove
I loved your post! Dirt nap: I was thinking of how bad it could be. How bad can it be, anyway? At least if they are right, I would not have to live under paradise elders. I can't even picture such a hell in paradise as that!
Were You Ever Afraid That You Might've Made The Wrong Decision In Leaving??
by minimus inare you 100% sure that leaving the organization was the right decision?
White Dove
There are moments when I question the wisdom of leaving, like when I stumble upon some old books and mags of mine. But, they are short lived moments. I just come here and remember all of the experiences that I had while in that are so similar to all of yours, then I am very glad to be free. The list of cult and high control churches compares with JW. That does it every time.
It's bad enough the Society doesn't quote references ......
by Frequent_Fader_Miles inbut on page 43 of the 1991 "flock book", here's how the society encourages those who give public talks to "regularly work toward improving their teaching ability" .... 1. do thorough research in the society's publications to bring the material to life.
2. be sure your outline is kept current(sound advice).
periodically update your statistics, experiences, illustrations and so forth.. however, the book-holder noted the following in the margin:.
White Dove
If the WTS is so good at cover-ups, why don't they market nice warm blankets and umm cover-ups?